Workers' Compensation Advocacy

 Advocacy In Action | Sample Letters | FAQs Regarding HB7 and Workers' Compensation Reform | Resources  

  TMA's Workers' Compensation Advocacy in Action 

Designated Doctor Services

FAQs: Recent Workers' Compensation Reform From Texas Department of Insurance (TDI): Division of Workers' Compensation

  •  FAQs Regarding Recent Workers' Compensation Reforms: Employees    
  •  FAQs Regarding Recent Workers' Compensation Reforms: Employers    
  •  FAQs Regarding Recent Workers' Compensation Reforms: Providers  

Sample Letters to Carriers

  •  Reply to Carrier Request for More Information on an Incomplete Claim or More Documentation for a Retrospective Review
    View HTML version  
  •  Claims in Process Over 45 Days
    View HTML version  
  •  Request for Reconsideration
    View HTML version  

Additional Articles

Last Updated On

June 18, 2024

Originally Published On

March 23, 2010

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Workers Compensation