Women Physicians Section

  • What is the Women Physicians Section?

    The Texas Medical Association Women Physicians Section (WPS) was established in 2019 to strengthen female physicians’ engagement and representation in organized medicine through the development of relevant policy, programming, and services. The section is open to all TMA member physicians. Female physician members are automatically included in the Women Physicians Section and are encouraged to participate in its activities and meetings. The section provides opportunities to network with peers, discuss issues affecting women physicians, and influence TMA policy through representation in the TMA House of Delegates. 

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  • Women In Medicine Month

    Women in Medicine Month Image  
    September is women in medicine month, and the Texas Medical Association is proud to recognize women physicians who are making a difference in the practice of medicine, in their communities, and in the lives of their patients. Get involved today - opt in to the Women Physicians Section. 
    Get Involved Today
  • Women Physicians Section Member Highlight

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    Shanna Combs, MD 

    Meet Shanna Combs, MD, immediate past chair of the 2024-25 Women Physicians Executive Council. Dr. Combs believes the section is an important part of TMA because it provides “an easy opportunity for members who have not previously active in the organization to find a way to get involved [and a] chance to connect with physicians who may be dealing with the [same] issues.”

    Learn More  
  • Leadership

  • Section Leadership

    The Women Physicians Section is led by the Executive Council. The council is comprised of the chair, chair-elect, immediate past chair, secretary, TMA delegate and alternate, and AMA-WPS associate and alternate. 

    Meet the 2024-25 WPS Executive Council.

    To learn about WPS executive council positions, and apply for the 2024-25 term, submit an application, attaching a headshot, two-page CV, and a brief letter of intent by Jan. 15.

    Read the Letter from the WPS Chair

  • Local Women Physicians Sections

  • Get Plugged in Locally

    WIM WC19 SmallGroup

    Several county medical societies have Women in Medicine groups. Reach out for information about local networking events and educational programming.

    Bexar County Medical Society Women in Medicine Committee
    Amita Kumar, MD, Chair
    Contact: Brissa.Vela@bcms.org

    Dallas County Medical Society Women in Medicine Forum
    Joy Lo Chen, MD, Chair
    Contact: sarah[at]dallas-cms[dot]org

    Tarrant County Medical Society Women in Medicine Committee
    Contacts: kkeaton@tcms.org 

    Harris County Medical Society Women Physicians Section
    Victoria C. Chang, MD, Chair
    Contact: LaCoya_Boone[at]hcms[dot]org

    Travis County Medical Society Women in Medicine Committee
    Contact: bclare[at]tcms[dot]com

    Collin-Fannin County Medical Society Women in Medicine Committee
    Contact: scb@collinfannincms.com

    Lubbock County Medical Society Women in Medicine Events
    Contact: Juanema@lcgcms.org

  • May Owen, MD, Outreach Program

    The TMA Women Physicians Section (TMA-WPS) established the May Owen, MD, Outreach Program to partner with small and mid-sized county medical societies to provide women physician programming and activities at the local level. Additionally, metro county medical societies may apply if in collaboration with surrounding societies for joint events.

    The County Medical Society can use the funds to provide physicians opportunities to engage in local networking events, attend presentations specific to the priorities of female physicians, or utilize offerings provided in TMA’s Education Center for a CME watch party.

    View past programs county medical societies provided to members by utilizing funds available through the Women Physicians Section, May Owen, MD, Outreach Program grant. 

    Learn More and Apply

  • Education and Resources

  • TMA Career Center

    The Career Center is a one-stop location to find job opportunities in Texas; connect with top health care employers; get assistance with your CV, and more.

    If you’re hiring physicians or medical staff for your organization, TMA has special packages and products available to help you find the perfect candidate.

    View Open Jobs

    Implicit Bias Training

    The WPS selected Unconscious Bias in Medicine, an enduring CME program offered by Stanford University School of Medicine, as a training program to address gender disparity in the physician workforce and promote greater diversity in medicine.

    All TMA members can participate!

    Enroll Now
  • Women Physicians Section: View Priorities

    • Section members completed a survey, the results of which helped define the goals of TMA’s six member sections and their priorities for the 2024-25 year. Take this opportunity to view the feedback and hear what matters to you most.

    View Survey Feedback