The Stark (physician self-referral) and antikickback laws are nothing if not complicated.
That’s why we asked the health care attorney who “wrote the book” on these topics
to help us highlight a few areas that may be of interest to many physicians. Austin
attorney Mark Chouteau is the author of TMA’s new publication, Navigating the Referral Minefield: Stark and Antikickback Rules. Here are three caveats and one heads-up about Stark
and antikickback law that may have relevance in your career.
- Consolidation of
physician practices into hospital groups. More and more, hospitals are buying
physician practices; the physician then goes to work as an employee of a physician
nonprofit group affiliated with — and subsidized by —the hospital. “A
number of issues arise,” Mr. Chouteau said. For one, Medicare does not
like any intangible value in such a sale or purchase. “The Centers for Medicare
& Medicaid Services (CMS) takes the position that that would amount to
paying to get the patients, which is clearly not allowed. So applying
value to goodwill or the value of a noncompete agreement is tricky, at best,”
he said. The actual assets of the practice have very little value, and for
legal reasons, the practice cannot be valued as a going concern without running
afoul of the Stark and antikickback statutes.
In addition, with the sale of the practice, the physician will lose to the
hospital the revenue stream from the practice’s ancillary services. The
hospital cannot consider the value of those ancillaries when determining the
physician’s compensation, which must be commercially reasonable and for fair
market value. To determine fair market value, valuators rely on several
annual physician salary surveys, Mr. Chouteau said, noting that CMS has
cautioned that any physicians paid in excess of the 75th percentile within
those surveys may come under regulatory scrutiny. Any compensation paid to
a physician that is more than the revenue he or she generates is not
commercially reasonable.
- Contracts for
administrative duties.
Any contracts for administrative duties physicians enter into with a hospital
must be for fair market value, which hourly is substantially less than fair market
value for the physician’s time practicing medicine. If the parties enter into such
an agreement, e.g., a medical director agreement, they will need to prove that
the physician actually performed services under that agreement. “We
recommend that each medical director keep detailed timesheets for the
administrative duties performed under such an agreement,” Mr. Chouteau
said. “We recommend that hospitals withhold payment until such a time
record is submitted.”
- Income guarantee
Hospitals may enter into income guarantee agreements with new physicians or
physicians moving into a community, and under certain conditions may forgive
the money spent as a part of that income guarantee, conditioned on the
physician continuing to practice in the community beyond the income guarantee
timeframe. Likewise, Mr. Chouteau said, in underserved markets, a
hospital can pay retention bonuses to physicians considering leaving that
community, under certain circumstances.
- False Claims Act. Because a
violation of the Stark or antikickback law is automatically also a violation of
the federal False Claims Act (FCA), the danger in violating those laws is
greatly enhanced. In addition to the penalties or imprisonment under those
laws, the FCA imposes treble damages, penalties up to $21,000 per violation,
and exclusion from any federally funded health program. FCA cases can also
be brought by whistleblowers (often current or former employees or
competitors), who are entitled to 15 percent to 30 percent of the money the
government recovers from such actions. “Plaintiff attorneys in Texas no
longer make big money from malpractice lawsuits and are now actively seeking
whistleblowers, many of whom have made millions of dollars for FCA cases they
brought on behalf of the federal government,” Mr. Chouteau said.
Navigating the Referral Minefield: Stark and Antikickback Rules,
which describes in detail the safe harbors and exceptions that keep physician
billing and financial relationships within the law, is available in the TMA Education Center. If you are considering an
employment situation as described in tip No. 1, read also TMA’s. Employment Contracts for Physicians: The Comprehensive Guide,
Second Edition, for everything you need to know before signing on the dotted
line. It’s also available in the TMA Education Center. See also for more ways TMA
helps you stay in compliance across the board.
Published July 28, 2016
TMA Practice E-Tips main page
Last Updated On
December 06, 2016
Originally Published On
July 28, 2016