Programs that help Texans increase their physical activity, protect themselves from serious diseases, and learn about how herbal and folk medical remedies are related to conventional prescribed medicines are among the 2019 TMA initiatives made possible through TMA Foundation grant funding.
More than $608,000 in grants will support eight TMA programs including three signature community based initiatives-- Hard Hats for Little Heads, Walk with a Doc Texas and Be Wise—Immunize. Other TMA programs made possible by its charitable arm include the TMA Diversity in Medicine Scholarship Program, the Ernest and Sarah Butler Awards for Excellence in Science Teaching, Distinguished Speaker Series, and a traveling version of the “Deep Roots” exhibit. TMAF also approved $36,050 for 10 programs of TMA county medical societies and alliance and medical student chapters that will be carried out in 2019.
The grand total of more than $644,000 in grants for 2019 programs is possible thanks to gifts from individuals and institutions, as well as investment income from TMAF endowments and funds. Learn more about TMA’s health improvement, science and quality of care initiatives and other initiatives that TMAF is making possible this year and consider supporting these efforts with a tax-deductible gift to TMAF.
Last Updated On
October 20, 2023
Originally Published On
March 29, 2019