Primary election day is tomorrow, and the Party of Medicine needs your support.
TEXPAC, the Texas Medical Association’s bipartisan political arm, has endorsed nearly 150 candidates from both parties for Tuesday’s elections. TEXPAC’s four-step endorsement process leans heavily on the recommendations of local physician leaders.
“We pick – and support – medicine-friendly incumbents and challengers – the men and women whose decisions and votes will be best for our profession, our practices, and our patients,” said Bradford Patt, MD, chair of the TEXPAC Board of Directors. “Texas physicians – your peers – decided these men and women are the best choices for medicine. They deserve your vote.”
Sign in to the Secretary of State’s “You Count” website with your voter identification information to find a list of your polling places – or you can check with your county clerk.
For the full list of endorsements, see the TEXPAC website.
“Medicine’s strength is in numbers – and we need your vote,” Dr. Patt said. “Encourage your family, friends, colleagues, staff, and patients to vote as well.”
The polls will be open from 7 am to 7 pm on Tuesday. Texas has no party registration system, so you can vote in either party’s primary – but not both.
Last Updated On
February 28, 2020
Originally Published On
February 14, 2020