YPS Executive Council Positions

Chair (One-Year Term)
The chair shall preside over all YPS section and executive council meetings, subject to the YPS operating procedures and TMA bylaws. The chair shall have the authority to call section meetings, designate ad hoc section committees, and appoint committee members.

Time Commitment: Moderate; leading in-person section meetings, Executive Council meetings/conference calls, working with section coordinator to set meeting agendas

Chair-Elect (One-Year Term)
The chair-elect shall assist the chair and preside at meetings in the absence of the chair or at the chair’s request.

Time Commitment: Moderate; 
participating in-person section meetings, Executive Council meetings/conference calls


 Alongside section staff, the secretary shall record proceedings of the meetings of the YPS and Executive Council. 

Time Commitment: Light

Delegates and Alternate Delegates to the TMA House of Delegates (Two-Year Terms)
The delegate and alternate delegate shall represent the section in the TMA House of Delegates. Any member of the YPS Section in good standing may be elected as delegate or alternate delegate. The number of delegate positions is based on the membership of the Young Physician Section: 1 Delegate/Alternate Delegate per 1,000 section members. An individual may only be credentialed as a delegate by one organization (e.g. if you represent your County Medical Society as a delegate, you may not also represent the YPS).

Time Commitment: Light; attending annual TMA TexMed conference to vote in the House of Delegates

Delegates and Alternate Delegates to the AMA Young Physician Section (One-Year Terms)

The delegates and alternate delegates shall represent the section at the AMA Young Physician Section, which meets during the AMA Interim and Annual Meetings. Any member of the YPS Section in good standing that is a member of the AMA may be elected as delegate or alternate delegate. 

Time Commitment: Light; attending Young Physicians Section meetings held during AMA interim and annual meetings; travel expenses eligible for reimbursement

Attendance Requirements 
Per the YPS operating procedures, if any member fails to attend two consecutive Executive Council meetings, the office will be declared vacant and filled by appointment of the chair until the next regularly scheduled section meeting.

Nominations are accepted on the floor during TMA's Leadership Summit, and elections are held online.

Last Updated On

October 31, 2023

Originally Published On

August 10, 2020