If you want to help kids in your community get outside and stay active, consider hosting a Hard Hats for Little Heads bike helmet giveaway.
By hosting an event, you can join with the Texas Medical Association to urge Texas kids: “Get Moving. Stay Safe. Wear a Helmet.”
TMA has dedicated funds for helmet giveaways in the counties in and around San Antonio, including yours. A grant from Baptist Health Foundation of San Antonio to the TMA Foundation supports Hard Hats events in Atascosa, Bandera, Bexar, Comal, Guadalupe, Kendall, Medina, and Wilson counties.
Social-distancing recommendations mean you’ll have to get creative to give helmets. Here are a few ideas to get you thinking:
- Pediatricians and family physicians have embraced giving kids helmets during well-checks. This one-on-one distribution allows physicians to keep kids active during the COVID-19 pandemic and provide them a tool – the helmet – to help them stay safe.
- Urgent-care facilities or emergency departments can keep helmets in stock for kids who come in for a bicycle-related accident.
- Some schools give bikes as a reward for achievement. If you already support a local school, see if it has a learning incentive program to pair with a helmet giveaway, or look for a local school that has one.
- If you see kids in your practice, a fishbowl drawing could allow you to give away a new helmet on a certain day, or at the end of the week or month.
- Holiday gift/bike giveaways are on the horizon. Join with a local group to put a helmet with each bike given.
TMA has the tools you need for a successful giveaway. When you purchase up to 50 helmets, TMA boosts your giving power with an equal match of helmets. Helmets cost $7.85 each (including shipping). TMA also has free educational materials in English and Spanish to support your event.
Texas Pediatric Society and Texas College of Emergency Physicians members can receive up to 50 helmets at no cost. Both organizations cover its members’ cost to purchase up to 25 helmets, and TMA provides an equal match of helmets. The Texas Academy of Family Physicians supports any family physician giveaway.
To receive an order packet, email Tammy Wishard, TMA outreach coordinator, or call her at (512) 370-1470. Find event ideas and much more in our Hard Hats event toolkit.
Hard Hats for Little Heads is supported in 2020 with a grant from the TMA Foundation.
Last Updated On
November 13, 2020
Originally Published On
October 07, 2020
Tammy Wishard
Account Manager, Division of Communications and Marketing
(512) 370-1470