TMA Position Flyers

TMA keeps a watchful eye over the legislative landscape on behalf of Texas physicians during each legislative session. The association champions bills that benefit physicians and patients, and opposes those that threaten the patient-physician relationship.

To help educate lawmakers on the merits or harm of proposed legislation, TMA creates materials that quickly summarize key points to help legislators make informed decisions. Current flyers for the 2025 legislative session can be found on this page.

89th Legislative Session Quick Reference Guide: Learn who represents you at the state Capitol

Scope of Practice
 Scope-of-Practice Expansion Does Not Solve Access-to-Care Shortages
Let's not put Texas patients at-risk by lowering the standard of medical care in Texas. 

Insurance Reform
 Senate Bill 818 and House Bill 1906 Threaten Insurance Reforms, Patient Protections
As Texas strives for affordable, transparent, and innovative health insurance coverage, lawmakers must ensure those goals are not achieved at the expense of patient and physician protections and meaningful coverage patients need to get care. Senate Bill 818 by Sen. Paul Bettencourt (R-Houston) and House Bill 1906 by Rep. Dennis Paul (R-Houston) undercut such protections and coverage by giving health plans unfair market advantages and could undo the very insurance reforms this legislature seeks.

Prior Authorization
Reform Prior Authorization
Pursue comprehensive prior authorization reform and cut down on other burdensome health plan practices that contribute to rising health care costs, threaten the viability of independent medical practices, and compromise patient care.

Becoming a Physician

Physician training lasts between seven and 15 years. What future physicians learn is constantly updated to align with the latest medical knowledge, groundbreaking research, emerging and ongoing public health threats, and community. To prepare physicians to practice in a dynamic, and ever-changing health care environment, medical schools and residency programs provide current and innovative learning and clinical training.

Help Texas Physicians Care for Medicaid Patients
A Medicaid fee schedule supporting medical practices of all specialties is an important step to address severe shortages among subspecialists who care for patients with complex medical needs.

Public Health
Support Senate Bill 1 for a Healthy Texas and Healthy Texans
We appreciate Texas legislators’ support to ensure Texas’ public health agencies have robust funding and a strong infrastructure to fulfill their lifesaving mission to prevent and eliminate diseases.

Info Blocking/AI
Support SB 922 and HB 1699
Patients deserve the respect of receiving serious and sensitive test results in context and from their physicians.

Budget: Women's Health
Clarify Life-of-the-Mother Exceptions 
Get clarity on exceptions to the state’s abortion laws so physicians can safely treat pregnant women in crisis while protecting the patient-physician relationship from criminalization.

TMA State Advocacy

TMA's Key Issues

Last Updated On

March 03, 2025

Originally Published On

March 23, 2023