Resident and Fellow Section

TMA Resident and Fellow Section GroupMe - 01/08/2025

Join the Group! This is an opportunity for TMA resident and fellow section members to converse informally, collaborate, and exchange information.

RFS Executive Council - 11/04/2024

Resident and Fellow Section Executive Council

J.T. “Lamar” McNew Award - 05/14/2024

Read about the history and winners of the J.T. “Lamar” McNew Award.

Opening Doors: Texas’ Newest Medical Schools Founded to Improve Care for Underserved Patients - 10/03/2023

Texas’ three newest medical schools were founded with a mission to improve care for underserved patients, especially in East Texas.

Students, Residents, Fellows: Apply for Special Interest Section Positions - 03/27/2023

Applications are due Saturday, April 15, for several leadership positions within the Medical Student Section (TMA-MSS) or Resident and Fellow Section (TMA-RFS).

Financial Stress During Residency? TMA Low-Interest Loans Can Help - 03/15/2023

“Professional and fast.” That’s how one Texas resident physician described the application process for a low-interest loan from the Texas Medical Association, which bridged the gap before he received his first paycheck during residency.

TMA Board, Council, and Committee Nominations - 09/22/2022

2022-2023 Resident Fellow Section Representatives

Educating Residents Through the Pandemic - 04/05/2022

Before COVID-19 came along, Austin family physician Jonathan MacClements, MD, spent most of his time recruiting residents, training them, and creating more residency spots so there will be more physicians in the future.

Screen Test: Will Residency Interviews Stay Online After the Pandemic? - 03/31/2022

Before COVID-19, most U.S. residency programs used in-person interviews to select residents. The pandemic forced those interviews online. Will the change become permanent?

Texas Residents and Students Win AMA Leadership Posts - 11/10/2020

Several Texas residents and students nabbed American Medical Association leadership positions this past weekend during the AMA’s special interim meeting, which is being held virtually this year because of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Life After Residency: Free TMA Webinars Will Help You Prepare - 10/01/2020

Now is the time to plan your move from residency to practice. TMA has published several new webinars that offer tips and information on many of the major decisions you’ll make at this point in your career.

Texas Among Best in Keeping Medical Students, Residents Practicing In-State, Report Shows - 06/17/2020

Texas continues to rank among the most successful states in retaining physicians from its medical schools and residency programs, beating out 47 other states, data from 2019 show.

UTMB Resident Member Benefits - 02/04/2020

Welcome to the Texas Medical Association. We're thrilled to have the UTMB residents as    TMA has plenty of benefits just for you. Take any of these free, on-demand courses now in the TMA Education Center :   Starting in Medical Practice , Business Basics for Physi

Residents and Young Physicians: Register Now for TMA’s Winter Conference - 01/13/2020

Mark your calendars for a resident and young physician member meeting during the Texas Medical Association’s 2020 Winter Conference.

Texas Students and Residents Nab AMA Posts - 11/18/2019

Ten residents and medical students from Texas won elections over the weekend at the 2019 interim meeting of the American Medical Association in San Diego.

More Medicaid GME Funding Possible For More Texas Teaching Hospitals - 04/01/2019

More Texas teaching hospitals are now eligible to receive federal dollars from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services through the Medicaid graduate medical education program.